Hurtta Dog
Hurtta Dog Outdoor Gear
It is unhealthy and uncomfortable to be cold. Dog breeds that are originally from warm climates need protection, particularly in cold seasons. Usually these breeds do not have protective underhair whose thickness is crucial for the heat insulation capability of the dog’s coat.
A dog’s age, size and state of health also affect how well it can withstand cold. Slender breeds freeze faster than robust dogs, because their mass in proportion to the area that dissipates warmth is smaller.
The Hurtta collection has been designed for the everyday life and all seasons of an active dog. Hurtta has over 10 years of experience in the development of functional clothing for dogs. This is evident not only in the durability of the garments, but also in their practicality and safety.
Water resistant and breathable protective clothes are especially well suited for dogs with a soft and long coat, whose coat becomes wet and dirty easily.
Using protective clothing protects both the dog and your home. The amount of dirt carried into the home is reduced significantly, when you dress the dog in proper clothing in muddy weather.
Protecting the coat is particularly beneficial for dogs that suffer from allergies and skin problems. The dog will have fewer problems with its coat, when its skin remains clean and dry in rainy seasons.
It is Hurtta’s objective to develop clothes for several different breeds and various uses. The guiding principle is that the technical features of a dog’s clothes should be at least as good as those of its owner’s outdoor clothing.
Before any Hurtta product is ready for launch, it has gone through hundreds of hours of testing and fitting by its designers.
Hurtta Comfortable Dog Body Warmer - Carbon Grey
$59.95 - $81.95Hurtta Comfortable Dog Body Warmer - Carbon Grey The Body Warmer overall is a multi-purpose product suitable for an active dog's muscle care, and for providing extra warmth under a waterproof jacket or overall. It is also ideal for ageing dogs, and dogs...$59.95 - $81.95 -
Currently Sold Out - Contact us to be contacted when available.
Hurtta Casual Quilted Dog Overall Jumpsuit, Heather
$79.95Hurtta Casual Quilted Dog Overall Jumpsuit, Heather - Slim Breeds Finally a jumpsuit for long slim pets. This soft and warm quilted overall is for everyday and city walks for short-haired and hairless dogs. The L fit is a special design for hounds...$79.95 -
Currently Sold Out - Contact us to be contacted when available.
Hurtta Casual Quilted Dog Overall Jumpsuit, Black - Slim Breeds
$79.95Hurtta Casual Quilted Dog Overall Jumpsuit Finally a jumpsuit for long slim pets. This soft and warm quilted overall is for everyday and city walks for short-haired and hairless dogs. The L fit is a special design for hounds and other slim breeds...$79.95 -
Hurtta Cooling Dog Vest - Blue
$34.95 - $40.95Cooling Dog Harness Vest - Blue The Dog Cooling Vest cools and and keeps your dog comfortable on hot days. Simply, dip in cold water – wring dry – cool down! Protects the heart region and chest, vital for circulation. Ideal for walks,...$34.95 - $40.95 -
Hurtta Polar Dog Vest - Highly Visible, Reflective
$69.95 - $74.95Hurtta Polar Dog VestThe Polar Vest is a soft and warm high-visibility vest that yields to the dog’s movement. This close-fitting vest protects the dog’s rib cage and keeps it dry. The vest is made from rustle-free Softshell fabric with...$69.95 - $74.95