Secret Garden Flower Hair Bow Barrette - Custom- Susan Lanci Designs
So many combinations, almost endless. A great way to combine 2 separate colors of Susan Lanci items.
The best hair bows ever made by Susan Lanci Designs! The closure on our barrette mechanism is a one piece construction so there is no mechanical hinge that can break or become misaligned. We also chose this barrette because it has a larger clamping area so it grabs more hair and stays in place better. Like all of our designs, our hair bows are made from genuine upholstery grade Ultra suede fabric. This soft, comfortable fabric is washable and colorfast. For all of those designs that use crystal, Swarovski crystal is used exclusively.
Teacup 1 approx. 1”
XS 3 approx. 1 3/8”
S 4 approx. 1 7/8”
Made in the USA