
Pet Tips - Hot Weather

Pet Tips - Hot Weather


The Heat is On: How to Keep Your Dog Cool

Dogs are affected by heat as much as we are. They can suffer from dehydration, sunburn and overheating. It's best to keep them indoors during the hottest part of the day. Always provide plenty of water, inside and out.

Keep in mind that signs of heatstroke include: hard, staggering gait, rapid heartbeat, dazed look, listlessness, restlessness, dark red or purple gums and/or tongue and vomiting. You can gradually lower his body temperature by moving him to the shade or air-conditioning, applying cold packs to his head, neck or belly, or immersing him in cool (not cold) water and giving him small amounts of cool water or ice cubes to lick. Of course, contact your vet if he's not cooling down.


When you're spiking volleyballs on the beach and lapping chocolate dreamcicles, make sure your dog has some frozen 'pupcicles' of his own.

Remember those carefree hot summer days when you were a kid and how a cold creamy treat from the ice cream truck tasted so good? You probably even shared some with the dog and that made it even more special!
Yes, dogs love those icy treats on hot days too. Whether they’ve been out playing Frisbee or just napping under a tree, they love crunching on frozen ‘pupcicles.’
You can find frozen dog treats in the freezer section of some stores now. But you can easily make healthful and delicious summer snacks at home for your best friend.
EASY PUP-cicles Recipes:

  • A simple frozen banana, carrot, chunk of cheese, or weenie will delight your dog on hot days.
  • Something as easy as plain old ice cubes or treat cubes with a strawberry or banana slice or a cheese chunk in the center will cool your pup when the heat is relentless.

    For larger dogs, add several different treats and freeze in disposable cups.

  • To make your pup feel extra special, try this recipe. Blend a couple of spoons of peanut butter with mashed banana, add a spoonful of honey and mix in about a half cup of water to make a better freezing consistency. For optional extra crunch, throw in a few unsalted peanuts. or 32oz plain or vanilla yogurt add 2 mashed bananas, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, mix together.  Freeze into individual servings in ice cube trays or cupcake pans for large dogs.  Add 2 Tbsp of Cod Liver Oil for a boost of Vitamin A and D.
  • If you want to be a bit creative, try mixing and matching various fruit juices with your dog’s favorite fruit such as apple bits or canned peaches along with plain yogurt before freezing into cubes. You may even want to go all out and blend smoothies or slushes for your dog to lap up or crunch in frozen cubes. However, stick to fruit juices and water for liquid as many dogs cannot easily digest milk. Creamy treats can be made by mixing half cottage cheese and half water and freezing into cubes. 
  • Blend 1/2 c PLAIN yogurt and 1/2 c Blueberries, blend, pour into ice cube tray. Freeze, Dogs love these treats and the blueberries are great heart food. 
  • For dogs who prefer meaty tastes, freeze chicken or beef broth, or even thin unsalted gravies into cubes. For an extra surprise, add a chunk of baby food meat, a piece of milkbone, or a cheese bit into each cube before freezing.

Humans aren’t the only ones who enjoy cold goodies on hot days. Whether you’re spiking volleyballs on the beach and lapping chocolate dreamcicles or just relaxing around the patio slurping ice cream floats on a summer evening, make sure your dog has some 'pupcicles' of his own.

Keep summer fun and protect your dog from heatstroke and sunburn.

Bright sun and hot temperatures of summer may be nice for a day at the beach but they can be dangerous for dogs who live outside. All dogs are susceptible to heat stroke but  dark colored dogs, overweight dogs, older or frail dogs, and brachycephalic dogs are at higher risk than others. Dogs, especially light colored ones, are also susceptible to sunburn.

Dogs are safer in air conditioning. If at all possible, they should be brought inside during the hottest hours of the day. Even it means crate confinement for several hours, dogs will be much more comfortable in air conditioning than outside in the heat.

Bonz Chillin' Trays come in both Small and Large Bone sizes, includes recipes and fun for everyone.

Small Chillin Bonz Freezer Tray
Large Chillin Bonz Freezer Tray


The difference between temperatures in sunlight and temperatures in shade can vary more than you might think. Having a summer picnic lunch with cold drinks in the shade of a big tree can be enjoyable but if that picnic table is in direct sunlight and drinks are warm, no one will have a good time. It’s the same for dogs who live outside. Shade moves as the earth rotates so it’s important to make sure your dog has shade all day long. A doghouse is not sufficient shade as temperatures inside climb quickly.

Outside Buildings

If your dog stays in the garage or any outside building, it should be well ventilated and breezy. Fans can help stir stuffy air as long as cords cannot be reached and chewed. Doghouses do not provide sufficient ventilation. Cooling beds are helpful

Cool Fresh Water

In hot summer, a panting dog, without plenty of water, can quickly become dehydrated. Warm water is not absorbed as quickly and is not as satisfying. Plenty of fresh water should be kept in the shade and within easy reach. Dogs should have several water sources as some have been known, in an effort to cool themselves, to “dig” in their water container and spill it.

In summertime, the living isn’t always easy for our animal friends. Dogs and cats can suffer from the same problems that humans do, such as overheating, dehydration and even sunburn. By taking some simple precautions, you can celebrate the season and keep your pets happy and healthy.

Top Ten Hot Weather Tips

1. A visit to the veterinarian for a spring or early summer check-up is a must; add to that a test for heartworm, if your dog isn't on year-round preventive medication. Do parasites bug your animal companions? Ask your doctor to recommend a safe, effective flea and tick control program.
2. Never leave your pet alone in a vehicle—hyperthermia can be fatal. Even with the windows open, a parked automobile can quickly become a furnace in no time. Parking in the shade offers little protection, as the sun shifts during the day.
3Always carry a gallon thermos filled with cold, fresh water when traveling with your pet. Pet travel bowls
4. The right time for playtime is in the cool of the early morning or evening, but never after a meal or when the weather is humid.
5. Street smarts: When the temperature is very high, don’t let your dog standing on hot asphalt. His or her body can heat up quickly, and sensitive paw pads can burn. Keep walks during these times to a minimum.  Dog Paw Covers, socks, boots or shoes are very helpful.  
6. A day at the beach is a no-no, unless you can guarantee a shaded spot and plenty of fresh water for your companion. Salty dogs should be rinsed off after a dip in the ocean.
7. Provide fresh water and plenty of shade for animals kept outdoors; a properly constructed doghouse serves best. Bring your dog or cat inside during the heat of the day to rest in a cool part of the house

8. Be especially sensitive to older and overweight animals in hot weather. Brachycephalic or snub-nosed dogs such as bulldogs, pugs, Boston terriers, Lhasa apsos and shih tzus, as well as those with heart or lung diseases, should be kept cool in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible. Cooling beds (shown below) or Cooling bandanas are very helpful.
9. When walking your dog, steer clear of areas that you suspect have been sprayed with insecticides or other chemicals.And please be alert for coolant or other automotive fluid leaking from your vehicle. Animals are attracted to the sweet taste, and ingesting just a small amount can be fatal. Call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 if you suspect that your animal has been poisoned.
10. Good grooming can stave off summer skin problems, especially for dogs with heavy coats. Shaving the hair to a one-inch length—never down to the skin, please, which robs Rover of protection from the sun—helps prevent overheating. Cats should be brushed often.
Bonus tip: Please make sure that there are no open, unscreened windows or doors in your home through which animals can fall or jump.
Tip: Freeze two 1 gallon jugs of water and put in your pets bed.

Dog Facts

  • The only sweat glands a dog has are between the paw pads.
  • A dog’s normal body temperature is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

We Selected a Few Items to Help keep your PupR Cool!!

Keep your PupR cool with the Waterless, Folding, No Electricity Cooling Pad!  Great for indoors, outdoors, by the pool, camping, beach, car!

Simply Add Water, Covers and Bolsters also available

Pawz Dog Boots, Reusable, Keeps Sand, Mud from embedding, and keeps paws dry.  Protect from Hot Pavement also.

For a delicious summertime treat, freeze chicken broth in ice cube trays. Let your dog enjoy them outside so they don't stain your carpet or make the floor slick. Dogs love playing with them as much as they like eating them.

Did you know that dogs who are brachycephalic (short-faced) -- such as Bulldogs, Boxers, Japanese Chins, and Pekingese -- have an especially hard time in the heat because they do not pant as efficiently as longer-faced dogs? Keep your brachycephalic dog inside with air-conditioning.

Dogs can get sunburned, too. Those with short hair, pink skin or white hair (including those with long noses) are especially at risk. Apply sunblock to your dog's nose, ears and other areas where skin is exposed when you're in the sun.

Who knew? Some dogs cannot swim. Before letting your dog jump off the dock or boat, make sure he or she can swim in an environment where you can help out if needed.

If you're flying, be sure your airline will transport a dog in the summer months; some will not. If taking your dog on an airplane, pack ice packs in the crate. Fill two 2-liter bottles 3/4 full with water, then squeeze until the water level is near the top, and screw the cap on. Freeze, then place in your dog's crate for the trip. If you don't squeeze the bottle prior to freezing, the bottle could burst during freezing or in the airplane when the air pressure changes.

When it's too hot to walk your dog, try a wading pool or sprinkler. Sure, you'll need to towel off your dog afterward, but she'll get lots of exercise, stay cool, get the mental stimulation she needs and if she loves water, she'll have such a great time!