All Natural Treats

Chew toys and treats offer your pet a way to keep his teeth healthy. Like people, dogs can have problems with their teeth ranging from gum infections, to tartar, to tooth decay. Dogs with a diet high in soft foods run a greater risk of food getting stuck in the pockets at the base of their teeth. This accumulation can lead to receding gums, infections, bad breath, and in more extreme cases, tooth loss. Tartar, if left untreated can also cause gum disease and tooth loss. Hard rubber or nylon toys, raw hide, and chew bones help your dog's teeth stay healthy and give you a happier, more vibrant dog.
Be careful not to "over treat" your dogs. Just like humans, treats have calories.
Obesity in dogs is a major health concern. Just as with people, canine obesity can lead to very serious health problems. Diabetes, pancreatitis, arthritis and heart disease are just a few of the problems that can be caused by or worsened if your dog is overweight. While many pets are fortunate to stay naturally slim, there are those who seem to get fat with little effort.
- A 20 lb. indoor dog should not eat more than 350 - 400 calories per day.
- A 40 lb. indoor dog should not eat more than 635 - 700 calories per day.
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