
New Puppy

New Puppy

The best way to get a puppy is to beg for a baby brother - and they'll settle for a puppy every time.  ~Winston Pendelton

Do you have a new puppy in the house?  Both fun and trying times abound. It is important that your new puppies has chew toys to keep them from chewing on those favorite shoes. We have a large selection of Puppy Toys that will help with the teething pup. Snuggly blankets keep your little one warm and comfy and adds security.  It is also important to get your puppy accustom to a collar with an ID tag in case the puppy manages to wiggle through the fence or be lead astray out of curiosity.  Make sure your little one has a bed that is not too large to help with security issues, remember he is use to snuggling up with little mates and mom. All natural puppy safe shampoo will keep the bathing experience