
Tuffy's Dog Toys

Tuffy's Dog Toys

The longest lasting and tuffest toys available. These toys are known worldwide.
Vet Approved and Recommended
. All toys float and are machine washable, air dry.


The squeakers on the soft toys are encased in so much fabric that they are quieter than most toys. Your dog can squeak all day and it won’t drive you crazy.

Toys are rated by a Tuff Scale 5 - 10, 10 being the tuffest!
Tuff Rating
Small Dog Tuff
Created for interactive play
Really Tuff, but still vulnerable
Long lasting and really Tuff
Extremely Tuff and durable
Mega Tuff - Without a doubt the Tuffest.
Tuffys also makes an indestructible bed with a choice of bed sheets to match your decor. 
They also have a backpack designed for both you and your dogs comfort for hikes, camping and traveling.